16 research outputs found

    Solution to ensure privacy in the internet of things

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    New products and services offered by the “internet of things” will make us more efficient, more able to understand our environment and take action, and new assistive technologies will allow us to extend our working lives. Nonetheless, we will coexist with a large number of devices collecting information about our activities, habits, preferences, etc. This situation could threaten our privacy. Distrust could be a barrier to the full development of these new products and services. This article offers a possible solution to ensure security and privacy for personal data on the internet of things, using techniques that result from a collaboration between the business, legislative and technological areas and are designed to build trust with all stakeholders

    Solución para garantizar la privacidad en Internet de las cosas

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    New products and services offered by the “internet of things” will make us more efficient, more able to understand our environment and take action, and new assistive technologies will allow us to extend our working lives. Nonetheless, we will coexist with a large number of devices collecting information about our activities, habits, preferences, etc. This situation could threaten our privacy. Distrust could be a barrier to the full development of these new products and services. This article offers a possible solution to ensure security and privacy for personal data on the internet of things, using techniques that result from a collaboration between the business, legislative and technological areas and are designed to build trust with all stakeholders

    Trust and Privacy Solutions Based on Holistic Service Requirements

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    The products and services designed for Smart Cities provide the necessary tools to improve the management of modern cities in a more efficient way. These tools need to gather citizens’ information about their activity, preferences, habits, etc. opening up the possibility of tracking them. Thus, privacy and security policies must be developed in order to satisfy and manage the legislative heterogeneity surrounding the services provided and comply with the laws of the country where they are provided. This paper presents one of the possible solutions to manage this heterogeneity, bearing in mind these types of networks, such as Wireless Sensor Networks, have important resource limitations. A knowledge and ontology management system is proposed to facilitate the collaboration between the business, legal and technological areas. This will ease the implementation of adequate specific security and privacy policies for a given service. All these security and privacy policies are based on the information provided by the deployed platforms and by expert system processing

    SensoTrust: trustworthy domains in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on wearable devices are being used in a growing variety of applications, many of them with strict privacy requirements: medical, surveillance, e-Health, and so forth. Since private data is being shared (physiological measures, medical records, etc.), implementing security mechanisms in these networks has become a major challenge. The objective of deploying a trustworthy domain is achieving a nonspecific security mechanism that can be used in a plethora of network topologies and with heterogeneous application requirements. Another very important challenge is resilience. In fact, if a stand-alone and self-configuring WSN is required, an autosetup mechanism is necessary in order to maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of security issues or faulty hardware. This paper presents SensoTrust, a novel security model for WSN based on the definition of trustworthy domains, which is adaptable to a wide range of applications and scenarios where services are published as a way to distribute the acquired data. Security domains can be deployed as an add-on service to merge with any service already deployed, obtaining a new secured service

    Solución para garantizar la privacidad en Internet de las cosas

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    New products and services offered by the “internet of things” will make us more efficient, more able to understand our environment and take action, and new assistive technologies will allow us to extend our working lives. Nonetheless, we will coexist with a large number of devices collecting information about our activities, habits, preferences, etc. This situation could threaten our privacy. Distrust could be a barrier to the full development of these new products and services. This article offers a possible solution to ensure security and privacy for personal data on the internet of things, using techniques that result from a collaboration between the business, legislative and technological areas and are designed to build trust with all stakeholders

    Identification of 1,2,3-triazolium salt-based inhibitors of Leishmania infantum trypanothione disulfide reductase with enhanced antileishmanial potency in cellulo and increased selectivity

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    N-methylation of the triazole moiety present in our recently described triazole-phenyl-thiazole dimerization disruptors of Leishmania infantum trypanothione disulfide reductase (LiTryR) led to a new class of potent in- hibitors that target different binding sites on this enzyme. Subtle structural changes among representative library members modified their mechanism of action, switching from models of classical competitive inhibition to time- dependent mixed noncompetitive inhibition. X-ray crystallography and molecular modeling results provided a rationale for this distinct behavior. The remarkable potency and selectivity improvements, particularly against intracellular amastigotes, of the LiTryR dimerization disruptors 4c and 4d reveal that they could be exploited as leishmanicidal agents. Of note, L. infantum promastigotes treated with 4c significantly reduced their low- molecular-weight thiol content, thus providing additional evidence that LiTryR is the main target of this novel compound.This work has been financially supported by the Spanish MICINN (Projects PID2019-104070RB-C21, PID2019-104070RB-C22 and PID2020-115331 GB-I00), the Spanish Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Projects CSIC-PIE-201980E100 and CSIC-PIE-201980E028), and the Comunidad de Madrid (PLATESA2-CM ref. S-2018/BAA-4370). The Spanish MEC is also acknowledged for FPU grants to A. R. and to J.C.G. P.A.S.M. thanks to the Division of Physio- logical Chemistry and the Otto-Loewi Research Center of the Medical University of Graz for their support with the scienfic cluster where the calculations contained in this work were run. We thank Ricardo Lau- reano-Rodríguez, Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Gutierrez, and Laura Lagar- tera for technical assistance with SPR experiments.Peer reviewe

    Desarrollo Económico de la Comarca de Cartagena 2016

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    El presente informe tiene la finalidad de servir como una herramienta de diagnóstico de la situación económica del tejido empresarial de la Comarca de Cartagena, promoviendo medidas que contribuyen al desarrollo estratégico de la Comarca. A partir del estudio y análisis del contexto socioeconómico sectorial que han realizado los investigadores especialistas en cada uno de los sectores de actividad, así como del análisis por parte de los paneles de expertos consultados, se incluye a continuación un estudio por sectores de actividad de las actuaciones que deberían considerarse para establecer las líneas estratégicas de contenido económico en la Comarca de Cartagena en los próximos años. Las políticas que permitan desarrollar dichas actuaciones asegurarán la competitividad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en general y el adecuado progreso económico de la Comarca en particular. Los principales pilares de competitividad sobre los que deberían asentarse las actuaciones estratégicas para la comarca se han clasificado por sectores de actividad atendiendo a las infraestructuras, el conocimiento (formación y cualificación), el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, la innovación, la financiación y la eficiencia de las Administraciones Públicas. El informe se estructura en una primera aproximación a la situación macroeconómica de la Comarca en su contexto Regional y Nacional desde el punto de vista de la oferta y la demanda, así como un detalle prospectivo de la economía para los próximos meses. A continuación se detalla el análisis sectorial dividido en los sectores: turismo, comercio, industria, agroalimentación y tecnológico. Adicionalmente, se incluye un análisis y diagnóstico económicofinanciero a nivel microeconómico de las pymes de la Comarca. Por último, se incluyen a modo de resumen las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones derivadas del estudi

    Sistema de ayuda a la selección de soluciones de protección de datos personales, para los productos y servicios en “Internet de las Cosas”

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    Los nuevos productos y servicios de “Internet de las Cosas” nos harán más eficientes, con una mayor capacidad de actuación y una mejor comprensión de nuestro entorno. Se desarrollarán nuevas ayudas técnicas que permitirán prolongar nuestra vida activa, y muchas ventajas que hoy día nos costaría imaginar. Sin embargo coexistiremos con una gran cantidad de dispositivos que recopilarán información sobre nuestra actividad, costumbres, preferencias, etc., que podrían amenazar nuestra privacidad. La desconfianza que estos riesgos podrían generar en las personas, actuaría como una barrera que podría dificultar el pleno desarrollo de esta nueva gama de productos y servicios. Internet de las Cosas, alcanza su significado más representativo con las Ciudades Inteligentes (Smart Cities) que proporcionan las herramientas necesarias para mejorar la gestión de las ciudades modernas de una manera mucho más eficiente. Estas herramientas necesitan recolectar información de los ciudadanos abriendo la posibilidad de someterlos a un seguimiento. Así, las políticas de seguridad y privacidad deben desarrollarse para satisfacer y gestionar la heterogeneidad legislativa en torno a los servicios prestados y cumplir con las leyes del país en el que se proporcionan estos servicios. El objetivo de esta tesis es aportar una posible solución para la garantizar la seguridad y privacidad de los datos personales en Internet de las Cosas, mediante técnicas que resulten de la colaboración entre las áreas empresarial, legislativa y tecnológica para dar confianza a todos los actores involucrados y resolver la posible colisión de intereses entre ellos, y también debe ser capaz de poder gestionar la heterogeneidad legislativa. Considerando que gran parte de estos servicios se canalizan a través de redes de sensores inalámbricos, y que estas redes tienen importantes limitaciones de recursos, se propone un sistema de gestión que además sea capaz de dar una cobertura de seguridad y privacidad justo a medida de las necesidades. ABSTRACT New products and services offered by the “Internet of Things” will make people more efficient and more able to understand the environment and take better decisions. New assistive technologies will allow people to extend their working years and many other advantages that currently are hard to foreseen. Nonetheless, we will coexist with a large number of devices collecting information about activities, habits, preferences, etc. This situation could threaten personal privacy. Distrust could be a barrier to the full development of these new products and services. Internet of Things reaches its most representative meaning by the Smart Cities providing the necessary solutions to improve the management of modern cities by means of more efficient tools. These tools require gathering citizens’ information about their activity, preferences, habits, etc. opening up the possibility of tracking them. Thus, privacy and security policies must be developed in order to satisfy and manage the legislative heterogeneity surrounding the services provided and comply with the laws of the country where they are provided. The objective of this thesis is to provide a feasible solution to ensure the security and privacy of personal data on the Internet of Things through resulting techniques from the collaboration between business, legislative and technological areas so as to give confidence to all stakeholders and resolve the possible conflict of interest between them, as well as to manage the legislative heterogeneity. Whereas most of these services are based on wireless sensor networks, and these networks have significant resource constraints, the proposed management system is also able to cover the security and privacy requirements considering those constrains

    Automatic system for providing security services in the Internet of Things applications over Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper describes an automatically determination process of the security services for products and services on the Internet of Things. This process has as inputs the service context, the legislative diversity and the information involved among others. Considering the resources limitations in a Wireless Sensor Networks and the already mentioned inputs, it is possible to find the best solution to apply in each specific case. We will introduce the "Utility Matrix" as a main concept to link all interests of stakeholders regarding their security needs and the legal imperatives. The final solution has been implemented with an expert system. The process outputs are composed by several products as a security policy for the service; a protected data certification, and an effective tool to simulate and evaluate impacts over new services or when service conditions or laws change. Challenges to research over new technical solutions needs can also be obtained. This proposal will connect the Industrial, Judicial and Technological areas working together to obtain trustworthy certifications for all stakeholders. The results have been evaluated in a real scenario made up of a Wireless Sensor Network, over middleware service oriented platform in the framework of ?AWARE project? and the expert system connected to the platform in order to configure the security services

    Automatic system for providing security services in the Internet of Things applications over Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper describes an automatically determination process of the security services for products and services on the Internet of Things. This process has as inputs the service context, the legislative diversity and the information involved among others. Considering the resources limitations in a Wireless Sensor Networks and the already mentioned inputs, it is possible to find the best solution to apply in each specific case. We will introduce the "Utility Matrix" as a main concept to link all interests of stakeholders regarding their security needs and the legal imperatives. The final solution has been implemented with an expert system. The process outputs are composed by several products as a security policy for the service; a protected data certification, and an effective tool to simulate and evaluate impacts over new services or when service conditions or laws change. Challenges to research over new technical solutions needs can also be obtained. This proposal will connect the Industrial, Judicial and Technological areas working together to obtain trustworthy certifications for all stakeholders. The results have been evaluated in a real scenario made up of a Wireless Sensor Network, over middleware service oriented platform in the framework of ?AWARE project? and the expert system connected to the platform in order to configure the security services